* Denotes required field 1. Ad Duration * You can place either a One-Month-Free ad or a Premium Ad Free Ad: your ad will run for one month FREE of charge. All free ads automatically expire after one month. Bookmark this page now if you are going to re-post your ad after one month. Note: (1) Up to 3 FREE classified ads may be placed per day per advertiser. (2) Free ad will be placed below premium ads or on the last page of the subcategory you choose. (3) New free ad will be placed to the end of the listing in the subcategory of your choice. (4) Free ad may have up to 150 words of ad text. (5) The format (paragraph style, blank lines and extra white spaces) of free ad will be removed. One month FREE ad Premium Ad: a small fee is required to place a Premium ad. Note: (1) Premium ad will be placed on the first page of the subcategory you choose and on the top of the Free ads in the same subcategory. (2) Premium ad has its title in Red. (3) Premium ad can have up to 400 words of ad text. (4) The format (paragraph style or blank lines) of premium ad will be kept as is. 1 month for $9.00 3 months for $12.00 6 months for $18.00 12 months for $28.00 (only $2.33/month) 2. Ad Options Use the Ad Options below (extra fees required) to make your ad stand out from the rest of the ads. Stay on Top - Check this box to make your ad stay on the top of the rest of the ads which have not selected this option. Extra Cost (based on the ad duration specified above. The total cost of your ad will be shown on ad preview): Ad DurationStay on Top Rate 1 month FREE ad $10.00 / month 1 month ad $9.00 / month 3 month ad $7.00 / month 6 month ad $5.00 / month 12 month ad $3.00 / month Place Animated Icons with Your Ad - Animated icons placed right at the beginning of your ad can make your ad easier to be noticed and read by more people. Extra Cost (based on the ad duration specified above. The total cost of your ad will be shown on ad preview): Ad DurationAnimated Icon Rate 1 month FREE ad $3.00 each / month 1 month ad $2.50 each / month 3 month ad $2.00 each / month 6 month ad $1.50 each / month 12 month ad $1.00 each / month Check the ones you like. Note: You may choose up to 3 animated icons to be placed with your ad. NEW HOT FREE COOL SPECIAL GIFT FOR SALE HELP WANTED 3. Ad Information Enter a brief title for your ad:* (up to 60 characters. No HTML Code allowed). Enter the body text of your ad :* (up to 150 words for Free Ad, 400 words for Premium Ad. No all capitals and HTML Code allowed). Select a category for your ad:* 2000: APPLIANCES: Appliances For Sale / Wanted 3000: AUTOMOTIVE: Automobile Antique / Classic 3020: AUTOMOTIVE: Automobile Parts / Supplies / Accessories 3060: AUTOMOTIVE: Automobile Repairing / Service 3080: AUTOMOTIVE: Automobiles For Sale / Wanted 3120: AUTOMOTIVE: Classic and Antique Car Parts & Accessories 3160: AUTOMOTIVE: Motorcycles and Accessories 3180: AUTOMOTIVE: Pickups & Vans 3200: AUTOMOTIVE: Recreational Vehicles, Motor Homes & Travel Trailers 3220: AUTOMOTIVE: Sports Cars 3240: AUTOMOTIVE: Trucks, Trailers & Buses 5040: BUSINESS EQUIPMENT: Office Machines / Equipment / Supplies 5080: BUSINESS EQUIPMENT: Medical Equipment & Supplies 5100: BUSINESS EQUIPMENT: Miscellaneous Business Equipment 5160: BUSINESS EQUIPMENT: Vending Machines 7000: BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES: Agents / Distributors / Representatives Wanted 7020: BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES: Business Opportunities 7040: BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES: Businesses For Sale 7100: BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES: Home Business Opportunities 7110: BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES: Investors Wanted 7113: BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES: Marketing / Sales 7115: BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES: Money-Making Opportunities 7117: BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES: Multi-Level Marketing 7120: BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES: Partnerships & Investments 6000: BUSINESS SERVICES: Advertising / Promotion / Marketing 6040: BUSINESS SERVICES: Business & Professional Services 6060: BUSINESS SERVICES: Merchant Accounts / Merchant Services 8020: COMPUTERS: Computer Consultants 8040: COMPUTERS: Computer Hardware & Accessories 8120: COMPUTERS: Computer Software / CD ROMs 8140: COMPUTERS: Computers For Sale / Wanted 10000: ELECTRONICS / AUDIO / VIDEO: Electronics For Sale / Wanted 10040: ELECTRONICS / AUDIO / VIDEO: Audio / Stereo Equipment 10060: ELECTRONICS / AUDIO / VIDEO: Telephones / Pagers / Beepers 10080: ELECTRONICS / AUDIO / VIDEO: TV's / VCR's / Video Equipment 11060: EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: Help Wanted 11080: EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: High Tech / Computers 11120: EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: Miscellaneous Employment 11140: EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: Professionals 11160: EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: Sales 11260: EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: Work at Home 12000: EMPLOYMENT SERVICES: Employment Agencies / Job Search 13040: ENTERTAINMENT / LEISURE: Aircraft / Aviation 13060: ENTERTAINMENT / LEISURE: Antiques For Sale / Wanted 13100: ENTERTAINMENT / LEISURE: Arts & Crafts 13120: ENTERTAINMENT / LEISURE: Audio CD & Cassettes 13140: ENTERTAINMENT / LEISURE: Bicycles For sale 13150: ENTERTAINMENT / LEISURE: Boats & Marine 13160: ENTERTAINMENT / LEISURE: Books / Magazines 13200: ENTERTAINMENT / LEISURE: Collectibles For Sale / Wanted 13250: ENTERTAINMENT / LEISURE: Entertainment / Recreation 13280: ENTERTAINMENT / LEISURE: Golf Equipment / Supplies 13300: ENTERTAINMENT / LEISURE: Guns / Hunting Equipment 13320: ENTERTAINMENT / LEISURE: Hobbies 13380: ENTERTAINMENT / LEISURE: Musical Instruments 13400: ENTERTAINMENT / LEISURE: Outdoor 13420: ENTERTAINMENT / LEISURE: Sports Equipment / Supplements 13480: ENTERTAINMENT / LEISURE: Toys & Games 13500: ENTERTAINMENT / LEISURE: Videos / CD-ROMs 14000: FINANCIAL / MONEY: Credit Cards / Credit Services 14060: FINANCIAL / MONEY: Money to Lend / Venture Capital 14070: FINANCIAL / MONEY: Mortgage Brokers / Services 14100: FINE ARTS: Paintings / Plates / Ceramics / Lithos 15030: FOOD / BEVERAGE: Grocery Coupons 15040: FOOD / BEVERAGE: Groceries, Food Items & Ingredients 15050: FOOD / BEVERAGE: Recipes / Cooking 16000: GIFTS / NOVELTY ITEMS: Gifts / Novelty Items 17000: HEALTH / NUTRITION / BEAUTY: Beauty Products / Services 17060: HEALTH / NUTRITION / BEAUTY: Exercise Equipment For Sale 17080: HEALTH / NUTRITION / BEAUTY: Health / Nutrition Products / Services 17120: HEALTH / NUTRITION / BEAUTY: Medical & Dental 17200: HEALTH / NUTRITION / BEAUTY: Weight Loss / Diet 18040: HOME / GARDEN: Furniture / Upholstery 18060: HOME / GARDEN: Home Repairs / Remodeling / Improvement 18130: HOME / GARDEN: Spas / Hot Tubs / Pools 19000: INTERNET / WEB SERVICES: Consulting / Training 19100: INTERNET / WEB SERVICES: Internet Services / Providers 19160: INTERNET / WEB SERVICES: Web Page Design 19180: INTERNET / WEB SERVICES: Web Site Hosting 20000: JEWELRY: Jewelry / Accessories 22140: MACHINERY / TOOLS: Machinery / Tools 23000: MISCELLANEOUS: Auctions 23010: MISCELLANEOUS: Bulletin Boards 23115: MISCELLANEOUS: Free Stuff 23117: MISCELLANEOUS: Manufacturers / Products 23120: MISCELLANEOUS: Miscellaneous For Sale 23140: MISCELLANEOUS: Wanted to Buy 23180: MISCELLANEOUS: Wholesale 1020: PERSONALS: Personals 1040: PERSONALS: Personal Products 1060: PERSONALS: Personal Services 24020: PERSONALS: Dating Services 24040: PERSONALS: 'How To' Books / Videos and CDs 24060: PERSONALS: Personal Growth & Help 25000: PETS / LIVESTOCK: Horses 25020: PETS / LIVESTOCK: Pet Supplies 25040: PETS / LIVESTOCK: Pets For Sale 26120: PHOTOGRAPHY: Photographic Equipment For Sale / Wanted 27010: REAL ESTATE: Agents / Services 27000: REAL ESTATE: Business & Commercial Sites 27040: REAL ESTATE: Farms / Acreages 27060: REAL ESTATE: House Exchanges / For Sale / Wanted 27120: REAL ESTATE: Land For Sale 27140: REAL ESTATE: Time Share 27160: REAL ESTATE: Vacation Properties 28000: RENTALS: Apartments 28040: RENTALS: Houses 28070: RENTALS: Rooms 30040: TELECOMMUNICATIONS: Long Distance / Telephone Services 31060: TICKETS: Tickets for Sale / Wanted 32100: TRAVEL / VACATIONS: Hotel / Motel Specials 32120: TRAVEL / VACATIONS: Travel / Package Vacations 1070: 900 NUMBERS: Chat Lines 1080: 900 NUMBERS: Date Lines 1090: 900 NUMBERS: Money / Financial Lines 1100: 900 NUMBERS: Psychic Lines 1110: 900 NUMBERS: Specialty Lines 1120: 900 NUMBERS: Sports Lines Contact e-mail address : (This is the e-mail address that will be posted with your ad so that people can contact you for further information about the products, services or the items you are advertising. Note: If you don't want to post a contact e-mail address for your ad, leave this field blank!). Example: yourname@usanet.com URL of your web site if any, otherwise leave it as is or blank : (Use it to further explain the products, services or the items you are advertising. If you don't have your own Web page yet, you may click here to get one which is professionally and custom designed to meet your Internet advertising needs. Example: http://www.usanet.com 4. Contact / Billing Information (Privacy Policy) The following information is required to post your FREE or premium classified ad. It will not be posted with your ad unless you have listed it in the text of your ad. If you are placing a premium ad, please enter your billing information. Your first name:* Middle name: Last name:* Company: Street address:* City:* State:* Zip:* Country:* Your telephone number:* Your e-mail address :* (Important: your classified ad account information will be sent to you at this e-mail address. Note: Your ad order will be ignored if the e-mail address provided in this field is invalid). Example: yourname@usanet.com To help us better serve you, please enter how you found us? 5. Ad Preview Click the Preview Ad button below to see what your ad will look like when posted, the ad options you chose, and the total cost of your ad if applicable. To actually submit your ad to 1AdsNetClassifieds, click the Submit Ad button at the bottom of the Ad Preview page which will appear after you click the Preview Ad button below.
* Denotes required field
You can place either a One-Month-Free ad or a Premium Ad
Free Ad: your ad will run for one month FREE of charge. All free ads automatically expire after one month. Bookmark this page now if you are going to re-post your ad after one month. Note: (1) Up to 3 FREE classified ads may be placed per day per advertiser. (2) Free ad will be placed below premium ads or on the last page of the subcategory you choose. (3) New free ad will be placed to the end of the listing in the subcategory of your choice. (4) Free ad may have up to 150 words of ad text. (5) The format (paragraph style, blank lines and extra white spaces) of free ad will be removed.
2. Ad Options
Use the Ad Options below (extra fees required) to make your ad stand out from the rest of the ads.
Stay on Top - Check this box to make your ad stay on the top of the rest of the ads which have not selected this option. Extra Cost (based on the ad duration specified above. The total cost of your ad will be shown on ad preview):
Enter a brief title for your ad:* (up to 60 characters. No HTML Code allowed). Enter the body text of your ad :* (up to 150 words for Free Ad, 400 words for Premium Ad. No all capitals and HTML Code allowed). Select a category for your ad:* 2000: APPLIANCES: Appliances For Sale / Wanted 3000: AUTOMOTIVE: Automobile Antique / Classic 3020: AUTOMOTIVE: Automobile Parts / Supplies / Accessories 3060: AUTOMOTIVE: Automobile Repairing / Service 3080: AUTOMOTIVE: Automobiles For Sale / Wanted 3120: AUTOMOTIVE: Classic and Antique Car Parts & Accessories 3160: AUTOMOTIVE: Motorcycles and Accessories 3180: AUTOMOTIVE: Pickups & Vans 3200: AUTOMOTIVE: Recreational Vehicles, Motor Homes & Travel Trailers 3220: AUTOMOTIVE: Sports Cars 3240: AUTOMOTIVE: Trucks, Trailers & Buses 5040: BUSINESS EQUIPMENT: Office Machines / Equipment / Supplies 5080: BUSINESS EQUIPMENT: Medical Equipment & Supplies 5100: BUSINESS EQUIPMENT: Miscellaneous Business Equipment 5160: BUSINESS EQUIPMENT: Vending Machines 7000: BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES: Agents / Distributors / Representatives Wanted 7020: BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES: Business Opportunities 7040: BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES: Businesses For Sale 7100: BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES: Home Business Opportunities 7110: BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES: Investors Wanted 7113: BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES: Marketing / Sales 7115: BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES: Money-Making Opportunities 7117: BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES: Multi-Level Marketing 7120: BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES: Partnerships & Investments 6000: BUSINESS SERVICES: Advertising / Promotion / Marketing 6040: BUSINESS SERVICES: Business & Professional Services 6060: BUSINESS SERVICES: Merchant Accounts / Merchant Services 8020: COMPUTERS: Computer Consultants 8040: COMPUTERS: Computer Hardware & Accessories 8120: COMPUTERS: Computer Software / CD ROMs 8140: COMPUTERS: Computers For Sale / Wanted 10000: ELECTRONICS / AUDIO / VIDEO: Electronics For Sale / Wanted 10040: ELECTRONICS / AUDIO / VIDEO: Audio / Stereo Equipment 10060: ELECTRONICS / AUDIO / VIDEO: Telephones / Pagers / Beepers 10080: ELECTRONICS / AUDIO / VIDEO: TV's / VCR's / Video Equipment 11060: EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: Help Wanted 11080: EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: High Tech / Computers 11120: EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: Miscellaneous Employment 11140: EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: Professionals 11160: EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: Sales 11260: EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: Work at Home 12000: EMPLOYMENT SERVICES: Employment Agencies / Job Search 13040: ENTERTAINMENT / LEISURE: Aircraft / Aviation 13060: ENTERTAINMENT / LEISURE: Antiques For Sale / Wanted 13100: ENTERTAINMENT / LEISURE: Arts & Crafts 13120: ENTERTAINMENT / LEISURE: Audio CD & Cassettes 13140: ENTERTAINMENT / LEISURE: Bicycles For sale 13150: ENTERTAINMENT / LEISURE: Boats & Marine 13160: ENTERTAINMENT / LEISURE: Books / Magazines 13200: ENTERTAINMENT / LEISURE: Collectibles For Sale / Wanted 13250: ENTERTAINMENT / LEISURE: Entertainment / Recreation 13280: ENTERTAINMENT / LEISURE: Golf Equipment / Supplies 13300: ENTERTAINMENT / LEISURE: Guns / Hunting Equipment 13320: ENTERTAINMENT / LEISURE: Hobbies 13380: ENTERTAINMENT / LEISURE: Musical Instruments 13400: ENTERTAINMENT / LEISURE: Outdoor 13420: ENTERTAINMENT / LEISURE: Sports Equipment / Supplements 13480: ENTERTAINMENT / LEISURE: Toys & Games 13500: ENTERTAINMENT / LEISURE: Videos / CD-ROMs 14000: FINANCIAL / MONEY: Credit Cards / Credit Services 14060: FINANCIAL / MONEY: Money to Lend / Venture Capital 14070: FINANCIAL / MONEY: Mortgage Brokers / Services 14100: FINE ARTS: Paintings / Plates / Ceramics / Lithos 15030: FOOD / BEVERAGE: Grocery Coupons 15040: FOOD / BEVERAGE: Groceries, Food Items & Ingredients 15050: FOOD / BEVERAGE: Recipes / Cooking 16000: GIFTS / NOVELTY ITEMS: Gifts / Novelty Items 17000: HEALTH / NUTRITION / BEAUTY: Beauty Products / Services 17060: HEALTH / NUTRITION / BEAUTY: Exercise Equipment For Sale 17080: HEALTH / NUTRITION / BEAUTY: Health / Nutrition Products / Services 17120: HEALTH / NUTRITION / BEAUTY: Medical & Dental 17200: HEALTH / NUTRITION / BEAUTY: Weight Loss / Diet 18040: HOME / GARDEN: Furniture / Upholstery 18060: HOME / GARDEN: Home Repairs / Remodeling / Improvement 18130: HOME / GARDEN: Spas / Hot Tubs / Pools 19000: INTERNET / WEB SERVICES: Consulting / Training 19100: INTERNET / WEB SERVICES: Internet Services / Providers 19160: INTERNET / WEB SERVICES: Web Page Design 19180: INTERNET / WEB SERVICES: Web Site Hosting 20000: JEWELRY: Jewelry / Accessories 22140: MACHINERY / TOOLS: Machinery / Tools 23000: MISCELLANEOUS: Auctions 23010: MISCELLANEOUS: Bulletin Boards 23115: MISCELLANEOUS: Free Stuff 23117: MISCELLANEOUS: Manufacturers / Products 23120: MISCELLANEOUS: Miscellaneous For Sale 23140: MISCELLANEOUS: Wanted to Buy 23180: MISCELLANEOUS: Wholesale 1020: PERSONALS: Personals 1040: PERSONALS: Personal Products 1060: PERSONALS: Personal Services 24020: PERSONALS: Dating Services 24040: PERSONALS: 'How To' Books / Videos and CDs 24060: PERSONALS: Personal Growth & Help 25000: PETS / LIVESTOCK: Horses 25020: PETS / LIVESTOCK: Pet Supplies 25040: PETS / LIVESTOCK: Pets For Sale 26120: PHOTOGRAPHY: Photographic Equipment For Sale / Wanted 27010: REAL ESTATE: Agents / Services 27000: REAL ESTATE: Business & Commercial Sites 27040: REAL ESTATE: Farms / Acreages 27060: REAL ESTATE: House Exchanges / For Sale / Wanted 27120: REAL ESTATE: Land For Sale 27140: REAL ESTATE: Time Share 27160: REAL ESTATE: Vacation Properties 28000: RENTALS: Apartments 28040: RENTALS: Houses 28070: RENTALS: Rooms 30040: TELECOMMUNICATIONS: Long Distance / Telephone Services 31060: TICKETS: Tickets for Sale / Wanted 32100: TRAVEL / VACATIONS: Hotel / Motel Specials 32120: TRAVEL / VACATIONS: Travel / Package Vacations 1070: 900 NUMBERS: Chat Lines 1080: 900 NUMBERS: Date Lines 1090: 900 NUMBERS: Money / Financial Lines 1100: 900 NUMBERS: Psychic Lines 1110: 900 NUMBERS: Specialty Lines 1120: 900 NUMBERS: Sports Lines Contact e-mail address : (This is the e-mail address that will be posted with your ad so that people can contact you for further information about the products, services or the items you are advertising. Note: If you don't want to post a contact e-mail address for your ad, leave this field blank!). Example: yourname@usanet.com URL of your web site if any, otherwise leave it as is or blank : (Use it to further explain the products, services or the items you are advertising. If you don't have your own Web page yet, you may click here to get one which is professionally and custom designed to meet your Internet advertising needs. Example: http://www.usanet.com
The following information is required to post your FREE or premium classified ad. It will not be posted with your ad unless you have listed it in the text of your ad. If you are placing a premium ad, please enter your billing information.
Your first name:* Middle name: Last name:* Company: Street address:* City:* State:* Zip:* Country:*
Your telephone number:*
Your e-mail address :* (Important: your classified ad account information will be sent to you at this e-mail address. Note: Your ad order will be ignored if the e-mail address provided in this field is invalid). Example: yourname@usanet.com
Click the Preview Ad button below to see what your ad will look like when posted, the ad options you chose, and the total cost of your ad if applicable. To actually submit your ad to 1AdsNetClassifieds, click the Submit Ad button at the bottom of the Ad Preview page which will appear after you click the Preview Ad button below.